Tooth for Tooth - Videoperformance Installation
In the videoperformance (8 channel installation) "Tooth for Tooth - In memory of the murdered women in Turkey" the artist Nezaket Ekici works on the daily assaults and acts of violence against women in Turkey, which usually lead to death of women: honor killings, jealousy dramas, divorce cases, rape, robbery and much more. The artist invited different women from Turkey to participate in the video projecton behalf of the victims. Each of these women and the artist deal with one case that touches them personally. The performers act against the black background in black clothes. The camera focuses on the face, head and feet. The performers fight in the style of a shadow boxer with hands, feets and verbally in front of the camera. A kind of posthumous self-defense. "Tooth for Tooth - In memory of the murdered women in Turkey" video performance has been shown at the Centre of Contemporary Art in Torun and will be part of the exhibition “Uncertain States – Artistic Strategies in States of Emergency” at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin in Fall 2016.
Camera & editing: Branka Pavlovic
Filmed in sommer 2015 in Istanbul and Antalya, Turkey